Zowie Saxman
Zowie graduated from Muhlenberg College in the spring of 2016 with a BS degree in Chemistry. She joined the Rubtsov group in the fall of 2016 with a Louisiana Board of Regents Fellowship.
Xiao Li
PhD 2020
Xiao graduated from the Harbin Institute of Technology with undergraduate and master's degrees in Polymer Chemistry and Physics. He graduated with his MS degree in 2015 and joined the Rubstov group in the fall of 2015.
Robert Mackin
Robert graduated from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign with a BA in Anthropology and a minor in Geology in 2009. He later went on the Southern Illinois University - Edwarsville and earned a BS in Chemistry. During his time as an undergraduate, he received two Undergraduate Analytical Chemistry awards, an Undergraduate Research Award, and is a self-proclaimed Dungeon Master Extraordinaire. He joined the Rubtsov group in the spring of 2014.
Dr. Layla Qasim
PhD 2018
Hewlett Packard
Dr. Joel D. Leger
PhD 2016
postdoc at Washington U.
Jianan Tang
MS 2015
grad. student at USC
Victor V. Kireev
Dr. Zhiwei Lin
PhD 2012
postdoc at Northwestern U.
Dr. Sri-Ram G. Naraharisetty
PhD 2009
Assistant Prof., U. of Hyderabad