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Recent Publications


  • Mensah, Joshua; Adiraju, Venkata; Cope, James; Lamb, Robert; Li, Xiao; Donnadieu, Bruno; Rubtsov, Igor; Webster, Charles; Hollis, T. Keith, Ligand Reorganization in the Coordination Sphere of a CCC-NHC Pincer Fe Complex and Transient Absorption Spectroscopic Characterization of [(BuCi-CiCBu)2Fe]I, submitted to Organometallics.

  • Kaiyah Rush, Md Muhaiminul Islam, Sithara U. Nawagamuwage, Jorden Marzette, Olivia Browne, Kayla Foy, Khale' Reyes, Melissa Hoang, Catherine Nguyen, Alexis Walker, Susana Ferrufino Amador, Igor V. Rubtsov, Kevin Riley, and Samrat Dutta Hydrogen-bonded complexes in binary mixture imidazolium-based ionic liquids with organic solvents. J. Phys. Chem. B, accepted.

  • Md Muhaiminul Islam, Sithara U. Nawagamuwage, Igor V. Parshin, Margaret C. Richard, Alexander L. Burin, and Igor V. Rubtsov, Probing Hydrophobic Region of a Lipid Bilayer at Specific Depth Using Vibrational Spectroscopy, submitted to JACS

  • K. C. Mendis, X. Li, J. Valdiviezo, S. D. Banziger, P. Zhang, T. Ren, D. N. Beratan, and I. V. Rubtsov, Electron transfer rate modulation in butadiyne-bridged donor-bridge-acceptor compounds. Submitted to PCCP

  • Alexander L. Burin, Igor V. Parshin, Igor V. Rubtsov, Maximum propagation speed and Cherenkov effect in optical phonon. J. Chem. Phys. (2023), 159, 5, 054903. DOI: 10.1063/5.0158201,


  • Tammy X. Leong, Brenna K. Collins, Sourajit Dey Baksi, Robert T. Mackin, Artem Sribnyi, Alexander L. Burin, John A. Gladysz and Igor V. Rubtsov, Tracking Energy Transfer Across a Platinum Center, submitted to J. Phys. Chem. A, (2022) 126(30), 4915-4930.

  • Lev Chuntonov, Igor V. Rubtsov; Perspective: 2DIR spectroscopy for studies of molecular structure and dynamics on surfaces of noble metals. J. Phys. Chem. C. 2022, 126, 7, 3314-3327. Invited. Identified as the most popular article. 


  • Sithara U. Nawagamuwage, Layla N. Qasim, Xiao Zhou, Tammy X. Leong, Igor Parshin, Janarthanan Jayawickramarajah, Alexander L. Burin, Igor V. Rubtsov, A competition of several energy transport initiation mechanisms defines the ballistic transport speed. J. Phys. Chem. B, 125, 7546-7555 (2021). DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.1c03986.

  • Tammy X. Leong, Layla N. Qasim, Robert T. Mackin, Yuchen Du, Robert A. Pascal Jr., Igor V. Rubtsov, Unidirectional supersonic coherent energy transport via conjugated oligo(p-phenylene) chains. J. Chem. Phys., 154, 134304 (2021); invited, doi: 10.1063/5.0046932


  • N.I. Rubtsova, Z. Lin, R.T. Mackin, I.V. Rubtsov, How intramolecular vibrational energy transport changes with rigidity and polarity of the environment? High Energy Chemistry (invited), 2020, 54, 427-435. DOI: 10.1134/S0018143920060120

  • Lev Chuntonov, Igor V. Rubtsov, Perspective: Surface-enhanced ultrafast two-dimensional vibrational spectroscopy with engineered plasmonic nano-antennas. J. Chem. Phys. (invited), 2020, 153, 050902 (1-22),; DOI: 10.1063/5.0013956

  • Galle Kankanamge S. R., Ma J., Mackin R. T., Leonik F. M., Taylor C. M., Rubtsov I. V., Kuroda D. G., Proving and Probing the Presence of the Elusive C-H∙∙∙O Hydrogen Bond in Liquid Solutions at Room Temperature. Angew. Chem. Intern. Ed. 2020, 59(39) 17012-17;

  • R. T. Mackin, T. Leong, N. I. Rubtsova, A. L. Burin, I. V. Rubtsov, Ballistic energy transport in PEG oligomers: Low temperature studies. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2020; 11, 4578-4583;

  • José N. Onuchic, Igor V. Rubtsov, Michael J. Therien, Tribute to David N. Beratan. J. Phys. Chem. B (2020), 124, 17, 3437-3440.

  • Xiao Li, Jesus Valdiviezo, Susannah D. Banziger, Peng Zhang, David. N. Beratan, Tong Ren, Igor V. Rubtsov, Symmetry controlled photo-selection and charge separation in butadiyne-bridged donor-bridge-acceptor compounds.  Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2020, 22, 9664 – 9676; DOI: 10.1039/D0CP01235A.;!divAbstract


  • Banziger, S. D.; Li, X.; Valdiviezo, J.; Zeller, M.; Zhang, P.; Beratan, D. N.; Rubtsov, I. V.; Ren, T. "Unsymmetrical Bis-Alkynyl Complexes Based on Co(III)(cyclam): Synthesis, Ultrafast Charge Separation, and Analysis; Inorg. Chem. 2019, 58, 15487-15497;

  • R. T. Mackin, B. Cohn, B. Engelman, A. Goldner, I. V. Rubtsov, L. Chuntonov, Plasmonic Trimers for Dual-Frequency Surface-Enhanced Two-dimensional Infrared Spectroscopy; J. Phys. Chem. C, 2019, 123, 24731-9,

  • R.T. Mackin, B. Cohn, L. Chuntonov, I.V. Rubtsov, Intense-field interaction regime with weak laser pulses and localized plasmonic enhancement: Reference-free demonstration by 3rd- and 5th-order infrared spectroscopies; J. Chem. Phys. (Comm.) 151, 121103 (2019);

  • Mackin R.T., Cohn B., Chuntonov L., Rubtsov I.V. (2019) Surface-Enhanced 2DIR Spectroscopy of nm-Thick Films Using Plasmonic Nano-arrays. In: Cho M. (eds) Coherent Multidimensional Spectroscopy. Springer Series in Optical Sciences, Vol. 226. Springer, Singapore. (invited)

  • Layla N. Qasim, E. Berk Atuk, Andrii O. Maksymov, Janarthanan Jayawickramarajah, Alexander L. Burin, Igor V. Rubtsov, Ballistic transport of vibrational energy through amide group bridging alkyl chains. J. Phys. Chem. C, Abraham Nitzan festschrift (invited), (2019) 123(6) 3381-3392; DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b11570;

  • Y. K. Kang, P. Zhang, I. V. Rubtsov, J. R. Zheng, G. Bullard, D. N. Beratan, M. J. Therien, Orientational Dependence of Cofacial Porphyrin-Quinone Electronic Interactions within the Strong Coupling Regime; J. Phys. Chem. B, 2019, 123, 10456-10462. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.9b07627;

  • I. V. Rubtsov, A. L. Burin, Ballistic and diffusive vibrational energy transport in molecules. J. Chem. Phys. Perspective; (2019) 150(2), 020901(1-18) (invited)


  • Clyde Varner, Xiao Zhou, Zowie K. Saxman, Joel D. Leger, Janarthanan Jayawickramarajah, Igor V. Rubtsov, Azido alkanes as convenient reporters for mobility within lipid membranes. Chem. Phys. (2018) 512, 20-26 (invited);

  • R. T. Mackin, B. Cohn, A. Gandman, L. Chuntonov, I. V. Rubtsov, Surface-enhanced dual-frequency two-dimensional vibrational spectroscopy of thin layers at the interface; J. Phys. Chem. C (2018) 122 (20), 11015-11023, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b02436;

  • A. Gandman, R. T. Mackin, B. Cohn, I. V. Rubtsov, L. Chuntonov, Radiative Enhancement of Linear and Third-Order Vibrational Excitations by an Array of Infrared Plasmonic Antennas; ACS Nano, (2018) 12 (5), 4521-4528; DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.8b00845;

  • Z. Ma, Z. Lin, C. M. Lawrence, I.V. Rubtsov, P. Antoniou, S.S. Skourtis, P. Zhang, D.N. Beratan; How can infra-red excitation both accelerate and slow charge transfer in the same molecule? Chemical Science (2018) 9, 6395-6405. DOI: 10.1039/c8sc00092a;


  • A. Gandman, R. T. Mackin, B. Cohn, I. V. Rubtsov, L. Chuntonov,  Two-Dimensional Fano Lineshapes in Ultrafast Vibrational Spectroscopy of Thin Molecular Layers on Plasmonic Arrays. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. (2017) 14, 3341-3346; DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.7b01490;

  • A. Obanda, K. Martinez, R. H. Schmehl, J. T. Mague, I. V. Rubtsov, J. P. Donahue, Expanding the Scope of Ligand Substitution from [M(S2C2Ph2] (M = Ni2+, Pd2+, Pt2+) To Afford New Heteroleptic Dithiolene Complexes; Inorg. Chem. (2017) 56, 10257-10267;


  • L. N. Qasim, A. Kurnosov, Y. Yue, Z. Lin, A. L. Burin, I. V. Rubtsov, Energy transport in PEG oligomers: Contributions of different optical bands, J. Phys. Chem. C, (2016) 120(47), 26663-26677. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.6b09389;  

  • Arkady Kurnosov, Igor V. Rubtsov, Andrii Maksymov, Alexander L. Burin, Electronic torsional sound in linear atomic chains: chemical energy transport at 1000 km/s. J. Chem. Phys., (2016), 145, 034903(1-7). DOI: 10.1063/1.4958726;

  • Joel D. Leger, Clyde Varner, Igor V. Rubtsov, Multi-Mode Heterodyned 5th-Order Infrared Spectroscopy. J. Chem. Phys. (2016), 145, 154201/1-154201/14, DOI: 10.1063/1.4963815;


  • Rubtsov, I. V., Shake it off: State-specific electron transfer. Nature Chem. 2015, 7, 683-684. doi:10.1038/nchem.2332;

  • Rubtsova, N. I.; Qasim, L., N.; Kurnosov, A. A.; Burin, A. L.; Rubtsov, I. V., Ballistic energy transport in oligomers. Acc. Chem. Res. (2015), 48, 2547-2555; doi: 10.1021/acs.accounts.5b00299;

  • Yue, Y.; Qasim, L., N.; Kurnosov, A. A.; Rubtsova, N. I.; Mackin, R. T.; Zhang, H.; Zhang, B.; Zhou, X.; Jayawickramarajah, J.; Burin, A. L., Rubtsov I.V. Band-Selective Ballistic Energy Transport in Alkane Oligomers: Towards Controlling the Transport Speed, J. Phys. Chem. B 2015,119, 6448-6456; doi:10.1021/acs.jpcb.5b03658;

  • Yue, Yuankai; Grusenmeyer, Tod; Ma, Zheng; Zhang, Peng; Schmehl, Russell H.; Beratan, David N.; Rubtsov, Igor V. Electron Transfer Rate Modulation in a Compact Re(I) Donor-Acceptor Complex; Dalton Trans. (2015), 44(18), 8609-8616, doi: 10.1039/C4DT02145B;

  • A. Kurnosov, I. V. Rubtsov, and A. L. Burin, Fast transport and relaxation of vibrational energy in polymer chains; J. Chem. Phys. (2015), 142, 011101/1-011101/4; doi: 10.1063/ 1.4905076;

  • N. I. Rubtsova, C. M. Nyby, H. Zhang, B. Zhang, X. Zhou, J. Jayawickramarajah, A. L. Burin, I. V. Rubtsov; Room-temperature ballistic energy transport in molecules with repeating units. J. Chem. Phys. (2015) 142, 212412(1-7) Special issue on Multidimensional Spectroscopy; invited; doi: 10.1063/1.4916326;

  • N. I. Rubtsova, I. V. Rubtsov; Vibrational Energy Transport Studied by Relaxation Assisted 2DIR; Ann. Rev. Phys. Chem. (2015), 717-738, invited;


  • Clara M. Nyby, Joel D. Leger, Jianan Tang, Clyde Varner, Victor V. Kireev, and Igor V. Rubtsov; Mid-IR beam direction stabilization scheme for vibrational spectroscopy, including dual-frequency 2DIR; Opt. Express, (2014), 22 (6), 6801-6809; doi: 10.1364/OE.22.006801;

  • Joel D. Leger, Clara M. Nyby, Clyde Varner, Jianan Tang, Natalia I. Rubtsova, Yuankai Yue, Victor V. Kireev, Grigory I. Rubtsov, Igor V. Rubtsov; Fully automated dual-frequency three-pulse-echo 2DIR spectrometer accessing spectral range from 800 to 4000 wavenumbers; Rev. Sci. Instr., (2014) 85, 083109-16; doi: 10.1063/1.4892480;

  • A. Kurnosov, I. V. Rubtsov, and A. L. Burin, Fast transport and relaxation of vibrational energy in polymer chains;, Physics (2014), 1-6, arXiv:1410.6209v1.

  • Yue, Yuankai; Grusenmeyer, Tod; Ma, Zheng; Zhang, Peng; Schmehl, Russell H.; Beratan, David N.; Rubtsov, Igor V. Full-electron ligand-to-ligand charge transfer in Re(I) complex. J. Phys. Chem. A (2014) 118, 10407-10415; DOI: 10.1021/jp5039877;

  • N. I. Rubtsova, A. Kurnosov, Alexander L. Burin, Igor V. Rubtsov, Temperature dependence of the ballistic energy transport in perfluoroalkanes; J. Phys. Chem. B (invited) (2014), 118(28), 8381-8387;

Other Publications


  • N. I. Rubtsova, I. V. Rubtsov, Ballistic energy transport via perfluoroalkane linker. Chem. Phys. (invited) (2013), 422, 16-21; DOI: 10.1016/j.chemphys.2013.01.026;

  • I. V. Rubtsov “Energy transport in molecules studied by relaxation-assisted 2DIR spectroscopy”, chapter in the book “Ultrafast Infrared Vibrational Spectroscopy.” Ed. M. Fayer, Taylor & Francis, 2013, 333-359; DOI: 10.1201/b13972-12;

  • V. A. Benderskii, A. S. Kotkin, I. V. Rubtsov, E. I. Kats, Vibrational energy transport in molecular wires; JETP Letters, (2013), 98(4), 219-222; DOI:10.1134/S0021364013170037;

  • Yue, Yuankai; Grusenmeyer, Tod; Ma, Zheng; Zhang, Peng; Pham, Tri Tat; Mague, Joel T.; Donahue, James Patrick; Schmehl, Russell H.; Beratan, David N.; Rubtsov, Igor V.  Evaluating the extent of intramolecular charge transfer in the excited states of rhenium(I) donor-acceptor complexes with time-resolved vibrational spectroscopy; J. Phys. Chem. B, (2013) 117(49), 15903-15916; doi: 10.1021/jp409628e;

  • S. L. Tesar, V. M. Kasyanenko, I. V. Rubtsov, G. I. Rubtsov, A. L. Burin, Theoretical study of internal vibrational relaxation and energy transport in polyatomic molecules; J. Phys. Chem. A, (2013) 117(2), 315-23; doi: 10.1021/jp309481u;

  • Z. Lin, N. I. Rubtsova, V. V. Kireev, I. V. Rubtsov, Ballistic energy transport in PEG oligomers, In Springer Series in Chemical Physics; M. Chergui, A. Taylor, Eds.; Springer, (2013), in press.

  • V. A. Benderskii, A. S. Kotkin, I. V. Rubtsov, E. I. Kats, Vibrational energy transport in molecular wires;, e-Print Archive, Condensed Matter (2013), 1-11, arXiv:1307.3112v1.

  • Z. Lin, N. I. Rubtsova, V. V. Kireev, I. V. Rubtsov, Ballistic energy transport in PEG oligomers; EPJ Web of Conferences (2013), 41, 05039.  DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/20134105039.

  • Y. Yan, C. Keating, P. Chandrasekaran, U. Jayarathne, J. T. Mague, S. DeBeer, K. M. Lancaster, S. Sproules, I. V. Rubtsov, J. P. Donahue,  Ancillary ligands effects upon dithiolene ligand non-innocence in tungsten bis(dithiolene) compounds; Inorg. Chem. (2013), 52(11), 6743-6751.


  • Z. Lin, I. V. Rubtsov, Constant-speed vibrational signaling along polyethylene glycol chain up to 60-angstrom distance; Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., (2012) 109(5) 1413-1418. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1116289109;  

  • V. M. Kasyanenko, P. Keiffer, I. V. Rubtsov, Intramolecular vibrational coupling contribution to temperature dependence of vibrational mode frequencies; J. Chem. Phys. (2012) 136(14): 144503/1-144503/10. DOI: 10.1063/1.3702847;

  • Z. Lin, B. Bendiak, I. V. Rubtsov, Discrimination between coupling networks of glucopyranosides varying at a single stereocenter using two-dimensional vibrational correlation spectroscopy, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. (2012), 14, 6179-6191. DOI: 10.1039/c2cp23245f

  • U. Jayarathne, K. Williams, V. Kasyanenko, J. T. Mague, I. V. Rubtsov, J. P. Donahue, Structural characterization of [Fe(NO)(mnt)2]1-/2- salts; Polyhedron. (2012) 31, 98-103. 10.1016/j.poly.2011.09.001

  • Z. Lin, N. Zhang, J. Jayawickramarajah, I. V. Rubtsov, Ballistic energy transport along PEG chains: Distance dependence of the transport efficiency; (invited) Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. (2012) 14(30), 10445-10454. DOI: 10.1039/c2cp40187h;


  • V. M. Kasyanenko, S. L. Tesar, G. I. Rubtsov, A. L. Burin, I. V. Rubtsov, Structure dependent energy transport: Relaxation-assisted 2DIR measurements and theoretical studies; J. Phys. Chem. B, 2011, 115(38), 11063-11073.  DOI: 10.1021/jp2066315

  • Z. Lin, P. Keiffer, I. V. Rubtsov, Method for determining small anharmonicity values from 2DIR spectra using thermally induced shifts of frequencies of high-frequency modes. J. Phys. Chem. B (invited), 2011, 115, 5347-5353. DOI: 10.1021/jp1094189


  • A. L. Burin, S. L. Tesar, V. M. Kasyanenko, I. V. Rubtsov, and G. I. Rubtsov; Semiclassical model for vibrational dynamics of polyatomic molecules: Investigation of internal vibrational relaxation. J. Phys Chem. C, 2010, 114(48), 20510-20517.

  • Keating, C.; McClure, B.A.; Rack, J. J.; Rubtsov, I.V. Sulfoxide stretching mode as a structural reporter via dual-frequency 2DIR spectroscopy. J. Chem. Phys. 2010, 133(14) 144513/1-14.

  • Keating, C.; McClure, B.A.; Rack, J. J.; Rubtsov, I.V. Mode coupling pattern changes drastically upon photoisomerization in RuII complex. J. Phys. Chem. C, 2010, 114(39), 16740-5.


  • Rubtsov, I. V.  Relaxation-assisted 2DIR: Accessing distances over 10Å and measuring bond connectivity patterns. Acc. Chem. Res. (2009), 42(9), 1385-1394; DOI: 10.1021/ar900008p.

  • Z. Lin, C. M. Lawrence, D. Xiao, S. S. Skourtis, J. L. Sessler, D. N. Beratan, I. V. Rubtsov, Modulating unimolecular charge transfer by exciting bridge vibrations; J. Am. Chem. Soc. (2009), 131, 18060-62. doi: 10.1021/ja907041t;           The paper has been recognized in Concentrates of Chemical & Engineering News (C&EN Dec. 7, 2009, p. 41) and in Nature Chemistry, Research Highlights, on-line at   

  • Kasyanenko, V. M.; Lin, Z.; Rubtsov, G. I.; Donahue, J. P.; Rubtsov, I. V., Energy Transport via coordination bonds; J. Chem. Phys., (2009), 131, 154508-1/154508-12.

  • Xiao, D.; Skourtis, S. S.; Rubtsov, I. V.; Beratan, D. N. Turning charge transfer on and off in a molecular interferometer with vibronic pathways. Nano Letters (2009), 9(5), 1818-1823.

  • Rubtsov, I. V.; Naraharisetty, S. G.; Keating, C.; McClure, B. A.; Rack, J. J.; Kasyanenko, V. M. Relaxation-assisted dual-frequency two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy: measuring distances and bond connectivity, In Springer Series in Chemical Physics; Corkum, Silvestri, Nelson, Eds.; Springer, 92, (2009), 400-402.

  • Naraharisetty, S. R. G.; Kasyanenko, V. M.; Zimmermann, J.; Thielges, M. C.; Romesberg, F. E.; Rubtsov, I. V. C-D modes of deuterated side chain of leucine as structural reporters via dual-frequency two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy. J. Phys. Chem. B, (2009), 113, 4940-4946.


  • S. G. Naraharisetty, V. M. Kasyanenko, I. V. Rubtsov, Bond connectivity measured via relax-ation-assisted two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy. J. Chem. Phys. (2008) 128, 104502-7.

  • Naraharisetty, S. G.; Kasyanenko, V. M.; Zimmermann, J.; Thielges, M.; Romesberg, F. E.; Rubtsov, I. V. 2DIR spectroscopy on C-D modes of leucine-d10 side chain.  In Springer Series Chem. Phys.; Corkum, Silvestri, D., Nelson, Eds.; Springer, 92, (2008), 592-594.

  • Duncan, T. V.; Ghoroghchian, P. P.; Rubtsov, I. V.; Hammer, D. A.; Therien, M. J.  Ultrafast Excited-State Dynamics of Nanoscale Near-Infrared Emissive Polymersomes. J. Amer. Chem. Soc. (2008), 130(30), 9773-9784.


  • Kurochkin, D. V.; Naraharisetty, S. G.; Rubtsov, I. V., Relaxation-assisted 2D IR spectroscopy method. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., (2007) 104, 14209-14214.

  • Naraharisetty, S. G.; Kurochkin, D. V.; Rubtsov, I. V., C-D Modes as structural reporters via dual-frequency 2DIR spectroscopy. Chem. Phys. Lett., (2007), 437(4-6), 262-266.

  • Kurochkin, D. V.; Naraharisetty, S. G.; Rubtsov, I. V., Relaxation-assisted 2D IR using weak vibrational modes.  Springer Series in Chemical Physics, (2007) 88, 344-346.


  • Zhang, T.; Rubtsov, I. V.; Nakajima, H.; Aono, S.; Yoshihara, K.,  Effect of Mutation on the Dissociation and Recombination Dynamics of CO in Transcriptional Regulator CooA: A Picosecond Infrared Transient Absorption Study,  (2006) Biochemistry,  45(30),  9246-9253

  • R. M. Russo, E. J. Mele, C. L. Kane, I. V. Rubtsov, M. J. Therien, D. E. Luzzi, One-dimensional diffusion-limited relaxation of photoexcitations in suspensions of single-walled carbon nanotubes.  Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (2006), 74(4), 041405/1-4.


  • Kurochkin, D. V., Naraharisetty, S. G., Rubtsov, I. V., Dual-Frequency 2D IR on Interaction of Weak and Strong IR Modes, J. Phys. Chem. A, (2005) 109, 10799-10802.

  • Rubtsov, I. V., Kumar, K., Hochstrasser, R. M. Dual-frequency 2D IR photon echo of a hydrogen bond. Chem. Phys. Lett., (2005) 402(4-6), 439-443.

  • Noy, D. N., Discher, B. M., Rubtsov, I. V., Hochstrasser, R. M., Dutton, P. L.  Design of amphiphilic protein maquettes: enhancing maquette functionality through binding of extremely hydrophobic cofactors to lipophilic domains.  Biochem., (2005) 44(37), 12344-12354.

  • Rubtsov, I. V., Kumar, K., Hochstrasser, R. M. Dual-frequency 2D IR photon echo of a hydrogen bond.  Springer Series in Chemical Physics, (2005) 79, 539-541.


  • I.V. Rubtsov, R.M. Russo, T. Albers, P. Deria, D.E. Lussi, M.J. Therien, Visible and near-infrared excited-state dynamics of single-walled carbon nanotubes. Appl. Phys. B, (2004) 79(7), 1747-1751.

  • Rubtsov, I. V., Kim, Y. S., Hochstrasser, R. M. Dynamical models in the two dimensional infrared spectroscopy of peptides. Israel J. Chem., (2004), 44(1-3), 271-280.

  • Rubtsov, I. V., Redmore, N. P., Hochstrasser, R. M., Therien, M. J. Interrogating conformationally dependent electron transfer dynamics via ultrafast visible pump / IR probe spectroscopy, J. Am. Chem. Soc., (2004), 126(9), 2684-2685.

  • Duncan, T. V., Rubtsov, I .V., Uyeda, H. T., Therien, M. J. Highly Conjugated (Polypyridyl)metal-(Porphinato)zinc(II) Compounds: Long-Lived, High Oscillator Strength, Excited-State Absorbers Having Exceptional Spectral Coverage of the Near-Infrared.  J. Am. Chem. Soc., (2004), 126(31), 9474-9475.

  • Rubtsov, I. V., Kang, Y. Redmore, N. P., Allen, R. M. Zheng, J., Beratan, D. N., Therien, M. J. The degree of charge transfer in ground and charge-separated states revealed by ultrafast visible pump / mid-IR probe spectroscopy, J. Am. Chem. Soc., (2004), 126(16), 5022-5023.

  • Keitaro Yoshihara, Igor Rubtsov, Kojiro Ebina, Fuminori Satou, Ji-Won Oh, Shigeichi Kumazaki, Takeshi Suzumoto, and Tadaaki Tani, Femtosecond time-resolved studies on spectral sensitization of AgBr nanocrystals in Femtochemistry and Femtobiology (2004), pp. 509. DOI: 10.1016/B978-044451656-5/50099-2


  • Rubtsov, I. V., Wang, J., Hochstrasser, R. M. Dual frequency 2D-IR heterodyned photon-echo of the peptide bond, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, (2003) 100(10), 5601-5606.

  • Rubtsov, I. V., Wang, J., Hochstrasser, R. M. Dual Frequency 2D-IR Spectroscopy of the Amide-A and Amide-I Modes in Peptides. J. Chem. Phys. (2003) 118, 7733-7736.

  • Rubtsov, I. V., Wang, J., Hochstrasser, R. M. Vibrational coupling between amide-I and amide-A modes revealed by femtosecond two-color infrared spectroscopy. J. Phys. Chem. A, (2003) 107 (18), 3384-3396.

  • Hochstrasser, R. M.; Chang, J.; Chen, J.-X.; Ge, N.-H.; Kim, Y.-S.; Park, J.; Rubtsov, I. V.; Zanni, M. T., Dynamics of peptide structures by multiple pulse 2D IR spectroscopy. Springer Series in Chemical Physics (2003), 71, 597-601.

  • Rubtsov, I. V.; Wang, Jianping; Hochstrasser, Robin M. Vibrational dynamics, mode coupling and structure of acetylproline and other dipeptides.  Springer Series in Chemical Physics (2003), 71, 625-627.

  • Redmore, N. P., Rubtsov, I. V., Therien, M. J., Synthesis, electronic structure, and electron transfer dynamics of (aryl)ethynyl-bridged donor-acceptor systems. J. Am. Chem. Soc., (2003) 125, 8769-8778.

  • Rubtsov, I. V., Susumu, K., Rubtsov, G. I., Therien, M. J., Ultrafast singlet excited-state polarization in electronically asymmetric ethyne-bridged bis[(porphinato)zinc(II)] complexes. J. Am. Chem. Soc., (2003) 125(9), 2687-2696.


  • Rubtsov, I. V., Hochstrasser, R. M., Vibrational dynamics, mode coupling and structure evaluation of acetylproline-NH2 dipeptide. J. Phys. Chem. B (2002) 106(35), 9165-9171.

  • Bakalis, L. D., Rubtsov, I. V, Knoester, J.  Absorption spectra of mixed two-dimensional cyanine aggregates on silver halide substrates. J. Chem. Phys. (2002) 117(11), 5393-5403.

  • Rubtsov, I. V., Hochstrasser, R. M., Vibrational dynamics, mode coupling and structure of acetylproline-NH2 dipeptide. Trends in Optics and Photonics, (2002) 72, 386-387.

  • Fidler, V., Kapusta, P., Nepras, M., Schroeder, J., Rubtsov, I. V., Yoshihara, K. Femtosecond fluorescence anisotropy kinetics as a signature of ultrafast electronic energy transfer in bichromophoric molecules. Z. Phys. Chem. (2002) 216, 589-603.

  • Rubtsov, I. V., Ebina, K., Satou, F., Oh., J. W., Kumazaki, S., Suzumoto, T., Tani, T., Yoshihara, K., Spectral sensitization and supersensitization of AgBr microcrystals studied by ultrafast fluorescence spectroscopy. J. Phys. Chem. A. (2002) 106(12), 2795-2802.

  • Oh, J-W., Kumazaki, S., Rubtsov, I. V., Suzumoto, T., Tani, T., Yoshihara, K. Ultrafast energy transfer in J-aggregates on AgBr microcrystals: its dependence on dye coverage. Chem. Phys. Lett. (2002) 352, 357-362.

  • Redmore, N. P., Rubtsov, I. V., Therien, M. J. Synthesis, excited-state dynamics, and reactivity of a directly-linked pyromellitimide-(porphynato)zinc(II) complex. Inorg. Chem. (2002) 41, 566-570.

  • Kang, Y. K., Rubtsov, I. V., Iovine, P. M., Chen, J.-X., Therien, M. J. Distance dependence of electron transfer in rigid, cofacially compressed, p-stacked porphyrin-bridge-quinone systems. J. Am. Chem. Soc., (2002) 124, 8275-8279.


  • Rubtsov, I. V., Zhang, T., Nakajima, H., Aono, S., Rubtsov, G. I., Kumazaki, S., Yoshihara, K. Conformational dynamics of the transcriptional regulator CooA protein studied by subpicosecond mid-infrared vibrational spectroscopy, J. Am. Chem. Soc., (2001) 123, 10056-10062.

  • Tachibana, Y., Rubtsov, I. V., Montanari, I., Yoshihara, K., Klug, D. R., Durrant, J. R., Transient fluorescence studies of electron injection in dye sensitized nanocrystalline TiO2 films. J. Photochem. Photobiol. A. Chem. (2001) 142, 215-220.

  • Rubtsov, I. V.; Yoshihara, K. Vibrational coherence in electron donor-acceptor complexes: assignment of the oscillatory mode. In Femtochemistry, Edited by DeSchryver, F. C., DeFeyter, S.; Schweitzer, G. Wiley-VCH, (2001) 367-380.

  • Rubtsov, I.V., Yoshihara, K. Assignment of the low frequency vibrations in electron donor-acceptor complexes by ultrafast coherent spectroscopy. J. Mol. Liq. (2001) 90, 1-3, pp. 261-270.

  • Tominaga, Keisuke; Ohtake, Hideyuki; Sarukura, Nobuhiko; Saitow, Ken-Ichi; Sasakawa, Hiroaki; Tamura, Atsuo; Rubtsov, Igor V.; Yoshihara, Keitaro. Spectroscopic application of THz radiation generated by ultrashort pulses -static far infrared absorption measurements in condensed phases. Advances in Multi-Photon Processes and Spectroscopy (2001), 14, 317-338

  • Rubtsov, I. V.; Ebina, Koujirou; Yoshihara, Keitaro; Knoester, Jasper; Suzumoto, Takeshi; Tani, Tadaaki. Spectral sensitization, supersensitization and ultrafast exciton migration on AgBr semiconductor surface.  Springer Series in Chemical Physics (2001), 66, 444-446.


  • Rubtsov, I.V.; Zhang, T. and Yoshihara, K. Development and application of a femtosecond time-resolved mid-infrared transient absorption spectrometer. J. Spectroscop. Soc. Jpn. (2000) 49, 292-296.

  • Rubtsov, I. V., Yoshihara, K. Vibrational motion of electron donor-acceptor complexes time-resolved by femtosecond fluorescence spectroscopy. J. Chin. Chem. Soc., (2000) 47, 673-677.

  • Rubtsov, I. V.; Zhang, Tieqiao; Yoshihara, Keitaro.  Development and application of a femtosecond time-resolved mid-infrared transient absorption spectrometer, Bunko Kenkyu (2000), 49(6), 292-296.


  • Rubtsov, I. V., Yoshihara, K. Vibrational coherence in electron donor-acceptor complexes. J. Phys. Chem. A (1999) 103, 10202-10212.

  • Rubtsov, I. V., Shirota, H., Yoshihara, K. Ultrafast photoinduced solute-solvent electron transfer: configuration dependence. J. Phys. Chem. A (1999) 103, 1801.

  • Smith, N. A., Meech, S. R., Rubtsov, I. V., Yoshihara, K. LDS-750 as a probe of solvation dynamics: A femtosecond time resolved fluorescence study in liquid aniline. Chem. Phys. Lett. (1999) 303, 209.

  • Rubtsov, I. V., Kobuke, Y., Miyaji, H., Yoshihara, K. Porphyrin assembly as a miniature of the antenna complex. Chem. Phys. Lett. (1999) 308, 323-328.

  • Rubtsov, I. V.; Shirota, Hideaki; Yoshihara, Keitaro.  Ultrafast photoinduced solute-solvent electron transfer: configuration dependence. J. of Phys. Chem. A (1999) 103(12), 1801-8.


  • Rubtsov, I. V., Yoshihara, Keitaro. Vibrational coherence in excited state of an electron donor-acceptor complex. Springer Series in Chemical Physics (1998), 63 (Ultrafast Phenomena XI), 496-8.

  • Rubtsov, I. V., Shirota, H., Yoshihara, K. Site dependent electron transfer reaction in solution. Springer Series in Chemical Physics (1998) 63, 633-635.

  • Brazgun, F.; Lukin, L.; Nadtochenko, V.; Rubtsov, I.V., Study of the UV two-photon ionization of aromatic solutes in liquid methylcyclohexane by the subnanosecond photostimulated ion pair dissociation technique.  Journal de Chimie Physique et de Physico-Chimie Biologique (1998), 95(7), 1765.

  • Fidler, V., Kapusta, P., Nepras, M., Schroeder, J., Rubtsov, I. V., Yoshihara, K. Ultrafast electronic energy flow in a bichromophoric molecule. Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. (1998) 63, 1460-1472.

  • Hayashi, M., Yang, T.-S., Yu, J., Mebel, A., Chang, R., Lin, S. H., Rubtsov I. V., Yoshihara, K. Vibronic and Vibrational Coherence and Relaxation Dynamics in the TCNE-HMB Complex. J. Phys. Chem. (1998) 102, 4256.


  • Rubtsov, I. V., Yoshihara, K. Oscillatory Fluorescence Decay of an Electron Donor-Acceptor Complex. J. Phys. Chem. A (1997) 101, 6138.

  • Brazgun, F. F.; Lukin, L. V.; Nadtochenko, V. A.; Rubtsov, I. V.,  Spatial distribution of localized electrons produced during the laser photoionization of anthracene in liquid methylcyclohexane.  High Energy Chemistry, (1997) 31(2), 102-108.

  • Khudiakov, D. V., Mikhonin, A. V., Rubtsov, I. V., Nadtochenko, V. A., Dynamics of photoexited donor-acceptor complexes between C60 and N,N-diethylaniline. Polarization picosecond spectroscopy study. Russ. Chem. Bull. (1997) 46, 1531-1535.

  • Khudiakov, D.V.; Rubtsov, I.V.; Nadtochenko, V.A., Anisotropy time dependence of photoexcited C60 and C70 in transient grating experiments. Solvent effect. Research on Chemical Intermediates (1997), 23(6), 479-503.


  • Rubtsov, I. V., Khudiakov, D. V., Moravskii, A. P., Nadtochenko, V. A., Orientational behavior of C70 molecules in chlorobenzene. Chem. Phys. Lett., (1996) 249, 101-104.

  • Brazgun, F. F., Nadtochenko, V. A., Rubtsov, I. V., Lukin, L. V., Dynamics of geminate charge separation in liquid methylcyclohexane studied by the photoassisted ion pair separation technique. Chem. Phys. (1996) 211, 469-488.

  • Khudiakov, D. V., Rubtsov, I. V., Lobach, A. S., Nadtochenko, V. A., Nonlinear optical response of C60 in solvents. Picosecond transient grating experiment. Proc. SPIE – Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. (1996) 2797, 116-121.

  • Rubtsov, I. V., Khudiakov, D. V., Nadtochenko, V. A., Orientational behavior of C70 singlet excited molecules in solution studied by picosecond transient grating experiments.  Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology, Section C: Molecular Materials (1996) 7(1-4), 247-249.

  • Nadtochenko, V. A., Denisov, N. N., Rubtsov, I. V., Moravskii, A. P. Charge-transfer complexes of C70 and ternary amines in chlorobenzene. Picosecond dynamics of charge recombination. Izv. Akad. Nauk, Ser. Khim. (1996), 5, 1151-1158.

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  • Rubtsov, I. V.; Khudiakov, D. V.; Nadtochenko, V. A., Orientational motion of the C70 excited molecules in solution. Picosecond transient grating experiments.  In Femtochemistry: Ultrafast Chemical and Physical Processes in Molecular Systems, (1996), 566-569.

  • Brazgun, F.F.; Nadtochenko, V.A.; Rubtsov, I.V.; Lukin, L.V. Initial spatial distribution of localized electrons under laser ionization of anthracene in methylcyclohexane determined by the picosecond photoassisted charge separation technique.  Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering (1996), 2802(Laser Chem., Biophys., & Biomedicine), 59-68.

  • Khudyakov, D. V.; Rubtsov, I. V.; Nadtochenko, V. A.; Moravskii, A. P. Orientational dynamics of C70 molecules in chlorobenzene. Izvestiya Akademii Nauk, Seriya Khimicheskaya (1996), 3, 601-604.


  • Rubtsov, I. V., Khudiakov, D. V., Nadtochenko, V. A., Lobach, A. S., Moravskii, A. P. Investigation of Rotational Mobility of C60 in Various Solvents by Picosecond Transient Grating Technique. Khim. Fiz. (1995), 14, 96-104.

  • Rubtsov, I. V.; Khudiakov, D. V.; Lobach, A. S.; Nadtochenko, V. A., Reorientational behavior of singlet excited C60 in solutions. Picosecond transient grating experiments.  Proceedings - Electrochemical Society (1995), 10, 540-6.


  • Nadtochenko, V. A.; Vasil'ev, I. V.; Denisov, N. N.; Rubtsov, I. V.; Lobach, A. S.; Moravsky, A. P., External heavy atom effect on the intersystem crossing of fullerenes. Picosecond laser photolysis study. Proceedings - Electrochemical Society (1994), 24, 1658-69.

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  • Nadtochenko, V. A., Denisov, N. N., Rubtsov, I. V., Lobach, A. S., Levin, P. P., Moravskii, A. P. EDA complexes between C60 and ternary amines: Picosecond dynamics of charge recombination. In Recent advances in the chemistry and physics of fullerenes and related materials, Published by The Electrochemical Society of USA, (1994).

  • Rubtsov, I. V., Khudiakov, D. V., Nadtochenko, V. A., Lobach, S. A., Moravskii, A. P. Rotational reorientation dynamics of C60 in various solvents. Picosecond transient grating experiments. In Recent advances in the chem. and phys. of fullerenes and related materials, Publ. by the Electrochemical Society of USA. (1994) 1619-1627.

  • Nadtochenko, V. A.; Denisov, N. N.; Vasil'ev, I. V.; Rubtsov, I. V.; Lobach, A. S.; Moravsky, A. P.   Photophysical and photochemical properties of C60 and C70. Intersystem crossing in solutions. Photooxidation of T1-excited C60 by electron acceptors in solutions. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology, Section C: Molecular Materials (1994), 4(1-3), 95-103.


  • Nadtochenko, V. A., Denisov, N. N., Rubtsov, I. V., Lobach, A. S., Moravskii, A. P. Quenching excited triplet C60 fullerene by tetracyanoethylene in benzonitrile. Russ. Chem. Bull. 1993, 42, 1171-1173.

  • Nadtochenko, V. A., Rubtsov, I. V., et al. Photophysical properties of C60. Picosecond study of inter-system crossing. J. Photochem. Photobiol. A 1993, 70, 153-156.

  • Nadtochenko, V. A., Lavrentyev, A. I., Rubtsov, I. V., Nikandrov, V. V., Barannikova, Ya. V., Transmembrane reduction of methylviologen by ascorbate photosensitized by bacteriopheophytin a in liposomes. Effect of transmembrane potential. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B, 1993, 18, 221-226.

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  • Lavrent'ev, A. I.; Nadtochenko, V. A.; Rubtsov, I. V.; Vinogradov, A. M.; Kuznetsov, E. I.; Kurbatov, A. A.; Chudinova, G. K., Light-guide spectroscopy of cyanin dye thin layer. Zhurnal Fizicheskoi Khimii (1992), 66(2), 542-5.

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  • Nadtochenko, V. A., Rubtsov, I. V. Kinetics of recombination of pheophytin-A and ascorbate radicals in liposome suspension. Zh. Fiz. Khim. (1991) 65, 1057-1063.

  • Nadtochenko, V. A., Rubtsov, I. V., Nikandrov, V. V., Semenova, A. N.; Krasnovskii, A. A., Triplet pheophytin reactions in detergent micelles and lipid vesicles. Biofizika (1990) 35(2), 273-9.

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