Dr. Igor V. Rubtsov
(504) 862-8943
Office: Room 504 Israel Building
Department of Chemistry
Tulane University
Professional Preparation
Moscow Institute for Physics & Technology, B.S and M.S. in Physics 1978-1984
Moscow, Russia
Institute for Chemical Physics, Russian Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics 1992
Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Dissertation advisers: Professors Victor V. Nadtochenko
and Alexander E. Shilov
Institute for Molecular Sciences, Okazaki, Japan Lecturer 1996-1997
Adviser: Professor Keitaro Yoshihara
University of Pennsylvania, Postdoctoral fellow / 2000-2004
Philadelphia, United States of America research associate
Advisers: Professors Robin M. Hochstrasser and Michael J. Therien
Tulane University, New Orleans Professor of Chemistry 2013-present
United States of America
Tulane University, New Orleans Associate Professor of Chemistry 2010-2013
United States of America
Tulane University, New Orleans Assistant Professor of Chemistry 2004-2010
United States of America
Japan Advanced Institute for Science Assistant Professor 1997-2000
and Technology, Ishikawa, Japan
Institute for Chemical Physics, Acting Head of Molecular Spectroscopy Lab. 1995-1996
Russian Academy of Sciences, Senior Researcher 1992-1995
Chernogolovka, Russia Junior Researcher 1984-1992
Professional Memberships and Synergetic Activities
Chair of the Graduate Student Admission Committee at the Department of Chemistry, 2017-present; the committee member from 2005.
Member of the Graduate Affairs Committee at the Department of Chemistry, 2019-present.
Member of the Tulane University Graduate Honor Board, 2016 – 2019.
Organizer and Advisor of Tulane Chapter of Youth Movement against Alzheimer's, 2016 – 2019.
Member of the Tulane Senate Committee on Research, 2014 – 2017.
Member of the Faculty Search Committee at the Department of Chemistry, 2016 – 2017.
Member of the Tulane University Physical Facilities Committee, 2012 – 2015.
Chair of the University Committee for Creating a Centralized Shop at Tulane, 2011-2012.
Member of the American Chemical Society since 2003
Introduced new PhD program in Chemistry: Chemical Physics (2017)
Served as a reviewer for the following scientific journals:
Journal of Physics Chemistry, Journal of Chemical Physics, The Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences, Accounts of Chemical Research, Angewandte Chemie, Science Advances, Chemical Physics Letters, The Biophysical Journal, Chemical Physics, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Methods, Nature Chemistry, Journal of Physics Chemistry Letters, Journal of the American Chemical Society, Review of Scientific Instruments, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, Nano Letters, Physics Letters A, ACS Chemical Neuroscience, and Canadian Journal of Chemistry, Nature Communications, Applied Physics B: Lasers & Optics.
Served as a proposal reviewer for the following National and International scientific foundations:
National Science Foundation (external reviewer (a few per year); panels: 2016, 2018, 2020);
Department of Energy (2016, 2017);
Israel Science Foundation (2017, 2018);
Bi-national Science Foundation, US-Israel (2017);
Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) (2019);
European Research Council (2015);
National Institute of Health;
Petroleum Research Fund;
Grant Agency of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.
Conference Organizer
Telluride Science Research Conference (Telluride, CO) titled “Vibrational Dynamics” in summer 2019 (together with Minhaeng Cho of Korea University, Republic of Korea)
Symposium “Ultrafast Spectroscopy Meets Chemistry, Materials and Biology” at the 255th ACS National Meeting, New Orleans, LA, March 18-22, 2018 (together with Junrong Zheng of Beijing University)